School equipment
Sri Lanka-Vietnam
In many developing countries, the poorest families do not always have the means to buy their children basic school materials, such as notebooks, pencils and pens. In this context, the distribution of school kits enables access to school which has an impact on the future of the poorest pupils.
In Sri Lanka, since 2015, Children Action has been funding 500 school kits each year for the neediest students. The distribution is carried out by our local partner, the Foundation of Goodness. These kits contain the necessary equipment for one year of schooling: a bag, shoes, books, pencils, and notebooks.
In Vietnam, since 2007, the Foundation has been organizing notebooks distribution in nearly fifteen provinces. Each year more than 8,000 students receive the notebooks necessary for their schooling.

School meals
The distribution of school meals has a significant impact on the health, education, and future of children living in emerging countries.
In Vietnam, since 2007, Children Action has been paying for school canteen meals for children from disadvantaged families. Each year more than 1,000 students benefit from this program, which provides them with a balanced diet.
In Myanmar, since 2021, Children Action has been running a feeding program in a monastery school thirty kilometers from Rangoon. Nearly 420 children have access to school meals, ensuring their growth and well-being.

Center for young blind and visually impaired students
Since 1994, Children Action has been supporting a center specializing in the care of blind and visually impaired children from rural or remote areas of Vietnam, where there are no existing facilities. The children are sent there by their parents to live and study until the end of their schooling. The little boarders go to school, learn Braille, play various musical instruments, do sports, and learn about massage. They take part in national and international chess and handisport competitions.
When they leave, they have basic knowledge and skills that help them to become independent and selfconfident.

Construction of schools and wells
In some remote areas of Vietnam, there are no schools. Since 2001, Children Action has been supporting the construction of schools in the poorest regions.
Of the 16 schools built, two could later be closed thanks to the installation of new transport infrastructures enabling families to take their children to larger facilities.
The 14 functioning schools welcome nearly 1,200 students each year, giving them easier access to basic education.
The Foundation is also building water filtration systems. The systems installed in 6 schools provide drinking water to nearly 2,400 students and 155 teachers.
Education & Nutrition
To give the most disadvantaged children the chance to go to school, Children Action funds a number of programs that
promote access to education.
A chance to give access to a better life

In numbers
since 1996